The HomeSafe program is designed to offer one time financial assistance for households facing a short term emergency with the goal of ensuring households remain housed. Eligible households must demonstrate that they have the resources to remain stably housed once the HomeSafe funds have been provided.
In order to receive assistance under the HomeSafe program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Have experienced a short term emergency that has made it difficult to pay housing-related expenses
- Have been Rhode Island resident for the past 365 days OR have a Domestic Violence waiver
- Have a household income or below 80% of the Area Median Income. “Household” is defined by the total number of people residing at the address you enter into your application. “Income” is defined as all income sources, regardless of taxable status, for all persons residing in the household.
Household Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Maximum Gross Income | 48,450 | 55,400 | 62,300 | 69,200 | 74,750 | 80,300 | 85,850 |
*Newport Portsmouth Middletown | 55,950 | 63,950 | 71,950 | 79,900 | 86,300 | 92,700 | 99,100 |
*Westerly Hopkinton New Shoreham | 52,550 | 60,050 | 67,550 | 75,050 | 81,100 | 87,100 | 93,100 |
*Residents of Newport, Portsmouth, Middletown, Westerly, Hopkinton, and New Shoreham should use associated income levels to evaluate 80% eligibility.
If you’ve experienced any of the following short term emergencies, you may be eligible
- Temporary sickness or disability
- Reduction of income in the last 90 days
- Moving from shelter to permanent housing
- Need to move due to domestic violence
- Need to move due to lead paint poisoning of children
- Need to move due to fire or other disaster
- Need to move due to severe code violations or condemnation
- Need to move due to foreclosure or eviction
HomeSafe can provide up to $2,000 of assistance to eligible households for
- Past due rent
- Past due mortgage payments
- Late fees incurred on past due rent or mortgage
- Security deposit
- Moving expenses
- Past due utilities
If a household is deemed eligible, payments for eligible expenses will be made directly to the creditor, on the applicant’s behalf.
If you think you meet the criteria outlined above, please click the “APPLY TODAY” button to complete the online application.
The site is mobile friendly and applications can be completed from a computer or mobile device. If a person wishes to apply and does not have access to the internet – they may submit a paper version of the application which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
You’ll be asked to answer the following questions. Preparing your responses ahead of time will make it easier for you to complete your application and for us to process your application more quickly. Items marked with an asterisk (*) represent required fields.
- Name*
- E-mail Address*
- Phone Number*
- Address*
- How did you hear about the program?*
- Can we send you text messages about your application?*
- Birth date*
- Social Security Number
- Ethnicity
- Race
- Gender
- Preferred language
- Have you been a RI Resident for the past 365 days?*
- If not, do you have a Domestic Violence waiver?
- Household size*
- Names and birth dates of all household members*
- Check if you are an Active member of the U.S. Military
- Check if you are a Veteran of the U.S. Military
- Check if anyone else in your household is currently in the Military or a Veteran.
- Check if you are legally disabled
- Check if there is anyone else in your household who is legally disabled
- Check if you receive child support
- Check if you own rental property
- Select the type of short term emergency you are facing*
- Select the type of financial assistance you require*
- What is the total amount of financial assistance needed?*
- Briefly describe your situation*
- What is your plan for making future payments if you were to receive assistance from this program?*
- Have you applied for HomeSafe funds from another program?*
- Have you received support from the Emergency Housing Assistance Program in the past?*
- You’ll then be asked to check a box certifying that your application is truthful, agreeing to have your application reviewed, allowing us to contact your 3rd party creditor, and acknowledging that any payment will be made directly to the 3rd party creditor.
You’ll then be asked to upload the following documents into the online system. Gathering these ahead of time will make the application process easier.
- Proof of residency (license, State-issued ID, etc.) OR proof of a Domestic Violence Waiver
- The first page of your last tax return (including the list of all members residing in your household)
- All income documents for ALL household members. These may include any of the following that apply: (1) most recent bank statement for checking and savings accounts (2) most recent paystub, (3) Social Security benefit letter, (4) Social Security Disability benefit letter, (5) Pension or Retirement Income documentation – IRA, 401K, etc., (6) Unemployment, TDI, Worker’s Comp or TCI benefit letter
- Child Support documentation if applicable
- The Leases from all owned rental properties if applicable
- Documentation of short term emergency. This could include a termination letter, past paystubs, a police report, service provider letters, Dept. of Health minimum housing or building official letters, etc.
- Documentation of needed financial assistance. This could include past due utility bills, a demand notice for past due rent or mortgage payments, etc.
NOTE – at any point in time during the process, applicants may be asked to provide additional documentation.
Give us a call. We’re here to help.